On January 29 4:30pm after walking approximately 16-miles west on Casitas Pass Road (Hwy 150) from Ojai heading towards Carpinteria as we were looking for a place to stop for the night, a gentleman pulled up in his vehicle and asked if we needed a place to rest for the night. We said that we did. He said that we would be welcome on his property a short distance away where he had mules and horses. We gladly accepted and spent three nights, waiting out the rain storm. The kids got a nice rest. On Monday morning, we got up early and proceeded northwest on Hwy 150 to Santa Barbara. Lady, Little Girl, Babe and I say thank you to Bradley and his wife Emily for kindly allowing us to stay on their nice, quiet ranch with their mules and horses.
Babe, Little Girl and Lady OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA