To City, County, and State Representatives:
I am writing to you as part of the 3 Mules Journey, a sacred nomadic lifestyle we share with the thousands of spiritual beings who have traveled and served throughout the ages in this sacred place in which the 3 Mules now reside. We never stay on public land for more than a night, always less than 24 hours. We walk, never using an automobile, leading my pack mule behind me, carrying all my simple belongings: a small one-person tent, a sleeping bag, a one-burner camp stove, a cooking pot, food, clothes, and very little else.
We are supported by the spiritual energy that we gather from everybody and everything that surrounds us as we walk from town to town, city to city. The energy we gather then harbors and awaits to materialize into whatever we need as we pursue our journey. This is the way of this place for those who travel and live (non-motorized traveling) in service to it. The 3 Mules Journey spreads the message of living harmoniously with the earth. This way of life is a commitment to protecting the environment and living in tune with the Natural World, one step at a time.

Penal Code 647(e) Conundrum
We are deeply concerned that using California Penal Code 647(e) to criminalize a lone traveler such as the 3 Mules or anyone else traveling in a similar way and are not committing any of the abuses 647(e) was passed to prevent is a criminal act in and of itself.
I urge you to reconsider the enforcement of PC 647(e) against the lone traveler, whether traveling by horse, bicycle, foot, or any other means under their own power and speed.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your response and to working together to bring PC 647(e) to a more accurate and clear condition on the issues it was meant to address.
The Mules