As was previously reported, Escondido Police have been actively searching for a stolen mule. Their efforts included searches of surrounding neighborhoods by ground and with the assistance of San Diego Sheriff helicopter. The story of the theft was shared via news media coverage, and social media posts.
3 Mules and the Escondido Police are happy to report that all of those efforts paid off. The widespread news and social media coverage resulted information that led officers to the mule. Officers have arrested David Martinez, a 28-year-old resident of Escondido was arrested on a charge of Grand Theft.
Escondido Police Officers are reuniting Little Girl the Mule with its owner. Little Girl is in good health and does not appear to have been injured.
We thank the Three Mule Nation community and the Escondido Police Department for the caring support and tips that led to a happy ending in this case!
****************************************** 2/26/18 6AM ALERT: LITTLE GIRL STOLEN AND MISSING Escondido Police have confirmed that they have video of Little Girl being stolen around midnight Monday, February 26 from Grape Day Park in Escondido (N. Broadway and Clark St, south of the canal), while I was next to her asleep.
The suspects untied the mule and were last seen leading the animal east along the flood control bike path from Broadway, adjacent to Grape Day Park.
The suspects are described as two males. One wearing a black and gray Pendleton style jacket with a gray hood.
Anyone with information can call Escondido Police at 760-839-4722. Anonymous tips can be left on our website at or by phone at 760-743-TIPPS.
Description 28-year old white mule, 15.5 hands, approx. 900-1000lbs, predominately white, reddish markings on ears and legs.
Help spread the word.
#3Mules #HelpFindLittleGirl
Photos of Little Girl on what she would look like without her packs on:
UPDATE: Attorney Candice Fields of Candice Fields Law, who assists the Mules and the Three Mules Nation, sent us an update in regards to our I-5 case: The San Diego District Attorney decided not to file criminal charges against the Mules for Penal Code Section 148(a) Obstruction, which means there will be no case at all, and therefore no hearing on Friday, April 6, 2018.
The District Attorney said that they did not make this decision because they felt the law, as written, would not support a conviction. They made their decision because they were concerned about jury nullification. They felt their case was not winnable with a jury who might ignore the law and find the Mules not guilty.
On Friday, February 23, 2018, upon awakening here in Oceanside, I fixed breakfast, grazed Little Girl and packed her up. We proceeded to walk 1.5 miles to Camp Pendleton Marine Corp Main Gate.
For those not familiar with this area, United States Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton is located on the Southern California coast in San Diego County spanning over 125,000 acres, bordered by the city of Oceanside to the south and Orange county to the north. For an 8-mile section where Interstate 5 (I-5) goes through Camp Pendleton, the Old Pacific Coast Trail for non-motorized use discontinues. The only way for non-motorized travelers to pass through this section of the California coast without walking on the side of the interstate is to enter through Pendleton’s Main Gate near Oceanside and walk 8.3 miles through the base to get to the Las Pulgas Gate, where the Old Pacific Highway Trail begins again to get to San Clemente. One cannot walk along 17-miles of the sandy beaches on the coastline that parallels I-5 as this also is part of the base. The Mules have taken the Pendleton Main Gate-Las Pulgas Gate (and vice versa) route three times in the past four years with military escort without any issues.
Arriving at the Main Gate guard shack, I secured Little Girl and went into the guard shack requesting passage through the base to the Las Pulgas Gate so that we could continue our journey onto the Old Pacific Highway Trail to San Clemente. The guard said to wait while he checked with the PMO. We waited outside for about half an hour. The guard came back and said we would not be allowed to go through the base. I told the guard we had passed through there three times previous with a military police escort. He said he was sorry but the PMO said we could not pass and we would have to leave immediately. So we did.
Upon getting off the base, I phoned California Highway Patrol (CHP) in Oceanside and spoke to the CHP watch commander informing him that I would be walking north on I-5 from Oceanside because I was refused entry into Camp Pendleton and there was no other alternative route other than I-5. The watch commander told me that I would not be allowed on I-5. We said, when there is no alternative route, we have the right to use the only one route that is available, and that by default is I-5. He repeated his statement that we were not allowed on I-5. I responded we will be walking on I-5. The watch commander said, “Use your best judgement.”
We then headed for I-5 and got on it. The shoulder was wide with other bicycles on it.
After walking about 1.5 miles, a CHP officer on a motorcycle came towards us and stopped. He informed us that we could go no further and that we would have to turn around and get off the freeway. We said we had the right to be here because there was no other way to travel north to San Clemente other than I-5. He repeated his assertion that we must turn around and get off. I said I would not. He said if we didn’t I would be arrested and Little Girl would be impounded. So, that’s what happened.
I was taken to Vista Detention Facility. Little Girl was picked up by animal control and taken to the animal shelter. I was in jail for about 5 hours, charged with Penal Code 148(A) obstruction failing to obey a police officer, given a court date, then released.
I was told by the jail that my property was being held at the CHP. I called CHP from the jail lobby and was told by the lady who answered the phone that the property officer was out for the day and would not be back until Monday morning. If I wanted to get my property, I would need to make an appointment to talk to the property officer on Monday. I told the lady over the phone that I needed my cell phone and my wallet and various items that were in my backpack and I could not wait until Monday. She said she was sorry, but the property officer was out for the day and he would not be back until Monday.
I decided that I would go to the CHP office across the street from the jail and see what I could do. Upon entering the office, a uniformed officer was in the room. He asked me what it was he could do for me. I told him that I was informed that my property was here. He said hold on, I’ll see what I can do. About 10 minutes later, he came back and told me that my property was not in their possession and that it was at the Palomar Airport Road Animal Shelter. He gave me a number and an address. I asked him if he could call them and make sure that was where my property was and that they had possession of it. He got on the phone, made the call, and apparently talked to somebody there who gave him confirmation that yes indeed they had my property.
The CHP officer would not allow me to use there phone, so I walked back to the jail and called the number myself to confirm the information given to me by the CHP officer but I could not get through.
I returned to the CHP office, and informed the officer that I called the number he gave me and was not able to reach anybody there. I inquired why he was able to get through and I was not. He said he didn’t know, but he assured me that he had spoken to the Palomar Airport Road animal shelter and that was where my property was.
From there I started walking at approximately 4pm, I left the CHP office in Vista and started walking to animal shelter in Carlsbad. I walked until about 9:00 pm, found some bushes to take shelter, stayed through the night, awoke in the morning about 6AM, and continued my way to the Palomar Airport Animal Shelter. Upon arriving there around Saturday morning 8:30am, I talked to a lady that was walking a dog if they had a mule on the premises. She said I could go around in the back where they keep the large animals and take a look. There were no large animals there. I asked her if my property was in their possession. She went inside to find out, returned and stated clearly that it was not in their possession. So I asked her where would it be? She said Escondido Humane Society takes large animals. It was her best guess that was where my mule and property would be.
I got on the phone, made some calls and confirmed that Little Girl was 16-miles away at the Humane Society shelter in Escondido. I spent the rest of Saturday walking and riding the bus to get to the Escondido Animal Shelter to retake possession of Little Girl and my property. The Mules say thank you to L. Monreal, Carlie and the staff of folks at the San Diego Humane Society (Escondido) for taking such good care of Little Girl while the Monk was in jail.
I am not admitting guilt to the charge against me, but this is a truthful account pertaining to our arrest, charges brought of obstruction. and then our subsequent release for walking with Little Girl on Interstate 5.
We will be contacting California’s Department of Transportation CalTrans Chief in Sacramento and the CHP watch commander and once again informing that we need to walk on I-5 as there is no alternative route. The base is not an acceptable route, which requires waiting 4-5 days for permission to be granted. At which time if we are again refused and threatened with arrest by CHP, we will request CHP escort on I-5 where traffic can be slowed down to a safe level for our passage. We will not accept trailer transportation from a private party. We will be asserting our right and all equestrians’ rights for a safe means of moving on the public thoroughfare.
The Mules are also in search of an attorney who is interested in representing us pro bono at our San Diego County Superior Court date appearance on 4/6/2018 7:30am in Vista, CA (325 S. Melrose Dr.). If interested, contact the Mules via email at
Since our arrest, we have been working with Caltrans and CHP trying to find a route or get an escort to help us go north from Oceanside to San Clemente. Details of our conversations documented here:
(a) The Legislature hereby finds and declares that it is the policy of the State of California that safe and convenient pedestrian travel and access, whether by foot, wheelchair, walker, or stroller, be provided to the residents of the state. (b) In accordance with the policy declared under subdivision (a), it is the intent of the Legislature that all levels of government in the state, particularly the Department of Transportation, work to provide convenient and safe passage for pedestrians on and across all streets and highways, increase levels of walking and pedestrian travel, and reduce pedestrian fatalities and injuries. (Added by Stats. 2000, Ch. 833, Sec. 6. Effective January 1, 2001.)
California Department of Transportation Manual Chapter Topic 105 – Pedestrian Facilities Topic 105 – Pedestrian Facilities 105.1 General Policy The California Vehicle Code Section 21949 has stated a policy for the Department to provide safe and convenient travel for pedestrians. Conventional highways can be used by pedestrians. Although the Department will work to provide safe and convenient pedestrian travel on these highways, not all of these highways will contain sidewalks and walkways. Connections between different modes of travel should be considered when designing highway facilities, as all people may become pedestrians when transferring to a transit based facility. Pedestrian use near transit facilities should be considered during the planning phase of transportation improvement projects. See DIB 82 for accessibility guidance of pedestrian facilities.
(b) All State highway projects administered by Caltrans or others with pedestrian facilities must be designed in accordance with the requirements in Design Information Bulletin 82, “Pedestrian Accessibility Guidelines for Highway Projects.”
U.S. Supreme Court ruling “The right of a citizen to travel upon the public highways and to transport his property thereon, by horse drawn carriage, wagon, or automobile, is not a mere privilege which may be permitted or prohibited at will, but a common right which he has under his right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Under this constitutional guaranty one may, therefore, under normal conditions, travel at his inclination along the public highways or in public places, and while conducting himself in an orderly and decent manner, neither interfering with nor disturbing another’s rights, he will be protected, not only in his person, but in his safe conduct.”
Where we slept last night in Oceanside across from Mission San Luis Rey. Once again the Mules and this ages old nomadic way of life, which we practice with reverence and respect for Earth and all its inhabitants, will use the public thoroughfare to continue our journey moving freely in one of all four directions, how we choose, when we choose. The United States constitution, the supreme law of the land, guarantees every citizen within its borders, this essential and basic right to freedom of movement which the Mules stamp in and stamp down all day, every day for all to see, appreciate, and ultimately understand. The Mules are all of us.
The Mules
Mission San Luis Rey History [Source:] Founded in 1798 by Padre Fermín Francisco de Lasuén, successor to Padre Junipero Serra, Mission San Luis Rey was named after St. Louis IX, King of France, who lived during the 13th century. Prior to Spanish occupation, the Luiseño Indians inhabited this area for hundreds of years. The Cemetery has been in continuous use since the founding of the Mission in 1798 and continues to be the oldest buried ground in North San Diego County still in operation. The Mission Church has been there since 1815.
From 1847-1857 the Mission was used as an operational base by United States soldiers. Notable figures that served at the Mission include General Stephen W. Kearny, Kit Carson and the Battalion of Mormon Volunteers. In 1850 California became part of the United States, and the Catholic Bishop in California petitioned the U.S. government for the return of the missions. In 1865 Mission San Luis Rey was returned to the Catholic Church by Abraham Lincoln.
Last night the mules spent the night in Lake Elsinore on a vacant lot. While we were packing up this morning, the Lake Elsinore code enforcement officer approached us and said we could not be here. We said we would be gone in about an hour. He said right now get your stuff and leave. He then called the sheriff.
Sheriff came and said you’re trespassing. If you don’t leave immediately, you will be arrested. We said we were not trespassing. There were no fences preventing our entry and no signs to inform us that we could not be there through the night for the purpose of a night’s sleep. The officer did not pursue the issue any further. We cleaned up after ourselves and left. It took over an hour.
The Mules will be staying in the town of Lake Elsinore tonight seeking a public piece of ground for the purpose of a night’s sleep. We require very little area through the night and are on our way in the morning.
The Megatropolis and its forever spreading cities and towns must come to respect the Mules and the way of living they represent as we are all being driven like sheep into a smaller and smaller area in which to live and raise families. We must establish a place we can all go and practice The Art of Living freely and responsibly in our country. As the Mules practice their ages old nomadic way of life they also show the absolute necessity for such a place we can all go move freely and keep and regain our sanity.
The attitude held by most public officials of the cities we pass through such as Lake Elsinore is utter disrespect and disregard. The mules wonder why because the attitude and demeanor of the citizens of the cities and towns we pass through is always friendly and positive.