Little Girl

The veterinarian came out today to look at Little Girl. She has cellulitis. Maybe it’s time to retire her. We’ll wait and see.

In the meantime, the Mules are searching to purchase two 15.3 – 16 hand stout draft mules, 3 to 18 years of age. Must be easy to shoe and healthy. We don’t want white as it makes the mules too easy to spot at night for thieves and others with less than a legitimate intentions. If you have a mule for sale that fits this description, please private message photos, location, price and your contact information. Would like to see photos of teeth and video of back feet being picked up.

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Daylight Saving – Fall Back

Clocks fall back one hour on Sunday. Daylight saving time became a national standard in 1966 when President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Uniform Time Act, which was established as a way to continue to conserve energy. The thinking was if it’s light out longer, that’s less time you’ll need to use the lights in your house.

Living outside all day every day, the Mules naturally wake up at dawn’s first light. In the late afternoon, we begin to look for a good place to stop to rest before nightfall. Thus, the Mules aren’t too affected by DST change. However, we do wear a watch to keep track of time when cooking with the pressure cooker and if we have a scheduled appointment.

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