Who are we? We are the Mules. Where are we from? We are from the outside. We live outside all day, every day. Where are we going? Nowhere. We’re here: the outside, the web of life, the beautiful earth, a place like no other. We have come to this place, a place of golden sparkling light, a place for anybody and everybody. Give your faith, hope and energy to this place at which time you connect to it and receive the magic and endless possibility of infinity. As you walk in this place with these mules you spread the awareness that this beautiful earth, like no other, can only be protected by the way we live one day at a time. More Frequently Asked Questions.
Share the Road

Reminder that it is the law to share the road with other public thoroughfare users (pedestrians, equestrians, cyclists). Slow down, yield, or stop to safely pass. Also, do not text and drive. Taking a few seconds to slow down to safely pass will not ruin your day, but getting in a wreck will. Share the road, it’s the law.
The Importance of Being Outside in the Natural World
Last Spring, when the Mules were making their way through Palm Springs, a comment was made on one of our posts that the Mules were making bad choices. “Bad choices” is social worker speak for alcoholism, drug addiction, etc. In none of these activities or addictions do the Mules engage. Instead, we practice the sacred act of walking and the spiritual engagement with creation the Natural World. This is not a bad choice. It is…continue reading.
The Mules and Their Mythology

On a warm summer’s day many thousands of years ago, the Mules were crossing a wide open valley where they had stopped to graze and rest a bit. Then all of a sudden the sky became a brilliant blue like the mules had never seen before. All the plants grasses rocks and trees suddenly became multi-dimensional and intense.
The Mules stood in awe at what they were experiencing. Then the Mules realized they were in the presence of… continue reading