The Mules and their first day in Redding

Due to the fact that I had my smartphone stolen the other night while sleeping on the side of Public Thoroughfare 273 a bit south of Clear Creek, the communication between myself and the 3 Mules Facebook administrator was hindered by not having use of my phone. An accounting of yesterday’s occurrences in Redding and WinCo were not completely accurate. We offer a revised accounting of yesterday’s events.

Upon awakening at 5:30am along Public Thoroughfare 273, I discovered that my smartphone had been stolen. I then proceeded to pack up Little Girl and head to Redding City Hall about 7 miles away to deliver the Declaration of Emergency. I grazed Little Girl for about an hour on the clover at City Hall when a Redding police officer approached us, introduced himself and told us he had mules and how much he enjoyed them. We had a nice conversation about that subject on the city hall steps. Afterwards, we proceeded to WinCo.

At approximately 2:30pm, we arrived at WinCo. I tied Little Girl in the shadiest spot I could find in the WinCo parking lot, then entered the store to buy oats, a can of pineapple, black beans, diced tomatoes, a small carton of yogurt, a bagel, and carrots for Little Girl. I paid for the items, placed them in grocery cart and went back to where Little Girl was tied. I then opened up my can of pineapple and yogurt which I bought for lunch.

Shortly thereafter the WinCo security guard approached us and said that he had been watching us and we had been there long enough and had to leave immediately. We said we certainly would be leaving but not immediately.

We had been walking in the heat since 6:30am. It was 110F. Myself and Little Girl walk using our own power. We are not machines. We do not move at the same rapid effortless pace as the automobile and its occupants.

The security guard said he had called animal control and the police and they were on their way. I requested him to get the store manager. He refused. I went into the store sought out the store manager. The manager came out shortly thereafter and informed me we were fine and that there was no problem. I went back to where Little Girl was tied, continued to eat my lunch then packed up the supplies, we then left. We never had any contact with animal control or the Redding Police Department.

The experience the Mules had in Redding at the WinCo grocery store (a good store, great variety, good prices, good food) is in our mind a perfect example of the challenge the Mules face as we live in stark contrast to this age of machines and to the way and pace of living which is being imposed on all of us.

When the WinCo security guard came over to the Mules and said we had been there too long and we would have to leave immediately, he was not being mean, he was simply doing what he was trained to do – keep everything everybody moving at a pace that is set by machines.

The Mules live in respect and reverence for the Natural World and all its inhabitants and in a pace which is in stark contrast to that of the machines. The Mules cannot, will not, ever conform to the will or pace of living which the machines are now demanding. There is an epic struggle in motion between these two now most powerful forces – the Natural World and the Man-made World – as to which will win and dominate the earth.

The Mules have thrown as always throughout history all their chips to the Natural World. The Mules know that the amount of hope and faith freely given to this epic struggle will materialize into the answers needed to win this struggle.

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State Public Thoroughfare 395 (Lassen County)

On Tuesday June 6, 2017 while we the Mules of the 3 Mules Nation were moving north on Public Thoroughfare 395 towards Susanville, we met a number of people through the course of the day.

Trent – The Wild in Us – Riding the Pacific Coast Trail from Mexico to Canada on Horseback
We met Trent who stopped, introduced himself and asked what it was we were doing, what was our mission, purpose walking along state Public Thoroughfare 395. We told him we were nomadic wanderers moving north and south with the seasons, moving freely within the cloak of the Natural World when we choose and how we choose. We told him the Mules protected that most cherished, revered freedom in this country by using it all day every day and shining the light on those who work to reduce, eliminate the free movement of one’s own energy in this country.

As the conversation wound down, Trent mentioned he was a farrier (a very good one as it turned out) and he would be glad to shoe Little Girl. We accepted his offer. Trent told the Mules about his mustangs and the ride he was making from Mexico to Canada on the Pacific Coast Trail. You can go to his website to learn more.

Trent and The Mules said goodbye knowing the energy created from our meeting would at some time re-materialize in a most magical way.

Frank, Mario and John – Cycling from coast to coast across the U.S.A 
We later met Frank, Mario and John from New York on bicycle headed for Reno. They also asked us much the same questions and we gave them much the same answers. They were obviously enjoying their ride on the Public Thoroughfare as we were also enjoying our walk on the same.

We exchanged the positive energies that were harbored within us and were better off for it. We didn’t get a chance to hear about the purpose of their ride, but their website is on their t-shirts. (The photo doesn’t clearly show the website name…so Mario, Frank and John, if you see this or someone who knows them sees this, please share your website link in the comments for us.) The Mules say thank you to Mario, Frank and John for stopping and making a positive energy exchange on the Public Thoroughfare with the Mules.

The Importance of an open and free multi-use Public Thoroughfare
All of the above is a stellar example of citizens of a free country using an open and free public thoroughfare responsibly. The Public Thoroughfare when open and free engenders self-respect for oneself and all those who are met along the way. The huge amount of positive energy created by a multi-use, open and free public thoroughfare permeates and envelops the society, culture in which it weaves its way. A free country must have a strong, vibrant, open and free multi-use Public Thoroughfare in constant use by citizens that understand the Public Thoroughfare is their freedom.

The Megatropolis and its privateers have absolutely no place in the control or operation of the Public Thoroughfare. Any attempt to block and deny use of the Public Thoroughfare by those traveling by foot, bicycle, horseback or wheelchair under the guise or false pretext of safety, efficiency, comfort and ease, or other nonsense reason will not be accepted by the Mules. The Mules have been here for hundreds of thousands of years. It is the most beloved dimension to which we always return moving freely with reverence and respect for all those who inhabit this mysterious creation called Earth. We have no intention of ever doing anything else.

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