As the Mules follow Bearsun on his social media pages as he walks from Los Angeles to New York City, we the Mules find it to be quite interesting. His encounters with law enforcement seem to be rather frequent. They surely know who he is. A bear using the public thoroughfare the way it has always been used and the way it must be used. A public pathway where people move freely between cities and towns, slowing down, stopping, advising each other on various topics, helping each other, and enjoying the company and diversity of their fellow users of this public pathway. The life blood of a free country. The only and best way to protect it is to get out there and bring the energy of fellowship, goodwill and peace right to its very surface.
So the Mules commend Bearsun and all others whose journeys the Mules have followed, such as Davide Travelli and Chen Guan Ming, who willingly and freely go out and use their energy to make a unique contribution to build an open and free Public Thoroughfare.
The Mules