The Mules would like to see a proper place for every horsewomen/horsemen to tie their horse in every shopping center, parking lot that serves the public and the Public Thoroughfare when coming to town to conduct business in that town. The Mules and all Horsemen and horsewomen are citizens of the United States. Our rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness is guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. The right to move freely in this country how you choose, when you choose, is that Happiness.
The relationship between man, woman, and horse is hundreds of thousands of years old, if not millions. It is sacred. The passage of any code, ordinance, law or the building of the Public Thoroughfare in such a way that interferes, curtails or prevents horsemen/women from using said thoroughfare or any venues connected to it is blatantly illegal and unconstitutional. The ages old sacred relationship between mankind and horse harbors the energy accumulated from a history spanning thousands of years. The energy of this relationship works relentlessly to protect and preserve its acquired place on earth. The Mules were born from this energy and our time on earth is to serve it.
The gentleman pictured in the photo above [link to the story here] the Mules believe is saying to the Privateer who owns the parking lot, you have not provided a secure place to tie/park my horse in your parking lot, therefore I am obliged to bring my horse in the store.
The Mules