How do mules sleep?
They lay their muzzles on the ground with their ears up for short periods of time. That’s how mules sleep.
A comment was made on the 3 Mules Facebook page that a video was taken showing me/Monk beating one of the mules.
We looked up the definition of the word beat: “To beat a person with a hard, heavy object such as a club, steel rod, bull whip causing physical harm.”
Pictured is a light switch we made to carry over my shoulder as we walk along the public thoroughfare.
Question as to why? Answer as to why.
When either of the two mules get close behind me not leaving a space sufficient enough to provide the degree of safety necessary should either one of them get startled and jump in any one of four directions, this switch I made is used to remind them to keep the necessary space between us, stop at intersections or step away from hazards.
Mules can be stubborn and strong willed at times. I weigh 110 lbs. Frank weighs 1400 lbs., so a little extra persuasion can be necessary at times. This tool aids in protecting the team from harm.