The Mules on Thanksgiving Day found ourselves walking through Bakersfield. It turned out to be a very rewarding day. The sky was clear blue with white puffy clouds. The air was crisp and clear due to the previous night’s rain. Clear blue skies and white puffy clouds are a rarity these days. Most of the time, the skies are silvery white or a dirty grey in color much of which is due to the chemical chem trail spraying over our heads.
We also became aware of some lawyers advertising their services. We took their names for we are in the process of drawing up some lawsuits pertaining to our God given right to move and travel freely in this country, how we choose, when we choose, codified in the U.S. Constitution, the supreme law of the land.
We will be seeking the advice and expertise of lawyers in the not to distant future. The Mules will consider these gentlemen as possible candidates for the job. There will be no monetary compensation. The reward for these gentlemen lawyers will be spiritual, the value of which will be experienced in a way totally unique to themselves.
The Mules know the value of such an effort will be extreme. These gentlemen lawyers, should they be selected from a large pool of candidates, will have no regrets for their services rendered.